Caturday Art Quickie

Catnip Fever With Zoe Kitty Hi all. I have been playing with these videos for awhile, but they are finally here, just in time for Caturday Art.  I have one video and one extracted still for both Raja and Zoe.  Zoe was rolling on a catnip branch, hence the name of the video, Catnip Fever.  I used the Vimo …

Sweet Kittehs Caturday Art

Sweet Arty Raja Kitty

It’s a Caturday again and I thought I’d show art from my Wordless Wednesday Sweet Kittehs post and in the same order.  I chose some Lunapic filters that also show their sweet side.  My Raja looked so cute and sweet asleep on the chair.  I chose the Lunapic Floating filter with pastel shades. Here is …