Zoe The Mighty Huntress

Got Mousies?
Got Mousies?

I am Woman-cat. Hear me roar.
I am a huntress. That’s for sure.
I hunt those mousies all across the yard.

What's In Here
What’s In Here

I am Zoe, mighty Zoe. I hunted today and finded big mousies (a rat). I heared rustles in the shrubs and I searched and I pounced. I catches a little one. But before I could eat it, Mommy took it away, but still called me a “Very good kitty.” I is so proud.

On The Hunt
On The Hunt

Raja looked,

I See Something
I See Something

And looked.

Raja In The Bushes
Raja In The Bushes

And even hid in bushes looking, but didn’t find any thing. He usually finds birdies, but not today. Mommy doesn’t like it when we get birdies and tries to scare them off when we get close.

Raja Sleeping
Raja Sleeping

He finally gave up and went to sleep.

But I looked some more.

On The Hunt
On The Hunt

And hunted, and crept, and pounced again. Once again, I catched a big, Really big mousie (rat).

Dead Mousie Mommy Took Away
Dead Mousie Mommy Took Away

Mommy is freaking out by now. But I has it, and it squeals until it doesn’t. I is ready to eat it, but Mommy finds me and takes this one away, too. She finishes killing it with a shovel, and throws it into the trash. I wants to eat it, but she won’t let me. I didn’t like that.  But I is Very Proud!

By now, Mommy is swearing she will cut down all the perennials and put down pea gravel in the yard with no plants except in wine barrels. Mommy is really creeped out, but I is So proud. She praises me for my prowess, and calls me “Very, Very Good Kitty!” Why doesn’t she call me “Good Kitty” when I catches a hummingbird?

She is too creeped out to stay on the deck, so she decides to go to a supermarket that is open. Still, she is thankful I catches Big mousies, and that she has such a might huntress (Me).

She finds more to be thankful for when she gets to the supermarket and is able to get sales that take a lot off the bill.

But best of all, she finds a large bill on the floor. It was signed by someone named Benny. Benny is known in our area for going into Fred Meyers and dropping large bills on the floor for people to find. So this was not a lost bill, but one intentionally dropped. Mommy actually saw him drop a bill in someone else’s cart. She told the woman to look in her cart, and she found a large bill, too.

This was a day for us all to be thankful in addition to being thankful for it being Independence Day, even if Mommy wouldn’t let me eat the mousies.

30 Replies to “Zoe The Mighty Huntress”

    1. No. I is not upset. I just is kitty and it’s what kitties do. I just didn’t want mommy taking it away. Mommy felt a little sorry for it, too.


  1. Oh how I’d love to go outside & catch a mousie, too! I can hear them through the window at night, so I know they are out there. I bet they taste nom! I’m sorry your momma took your catch away from you! How rude! Mom found a batch of baby mice in the shed one spring, but she didn’t tell Dad ’cause she thought they were cute & didn’t want them killed. They eventually ran off. I think the neighbor kitty ate one. I got zip! Mom thinks mice & rats are cute. Maybe she’ll buy me one from the pet store. Doubtful though. That is so nice that the man put a “bill” in your momma’s cart. Maybe that is to buy tuna for you & Raja with. Tee hee hee.


    1. Valentine, thanks for coming by. I is sorry you can’t go hunting, too. I likes catching mousies. Sometimes, mommy misses me and I gets to eat them. You can always hope your mommy will buy you a mousie.
      Zoe and Raja


  2. Hey! impressive hunting skills! You may have noticed that Amarula wears a really big red collar – that’s to prevent her from catching birds and it really works! It’s called Birdsafe and you can order them from the USA https://www.birdsbesafe.com/ and it won’t impede your big mouse hunting – Audubon society says it reduces risk of catching birds by 84 percent and Amarula has not caught once since she has worn it! Get the red ones – they are the best and most noticeable to birds! and just think how cool you will look!


    1. Thanks for visiting and thanks for the info about red collars. In our case, this could be a mixed bag, because more than a few of the birds caught are hummingbirds which are attracted by red. Hard to know what to do.


  3. I am an indoor cat and recently I caught a spider.
    Mum saw a rat outside in the garden but I wasn’t around to catch it 😦

    Purrs xx


  4. Kitties are meant to hunt. It is only natural to them and they so enjoy the hunt. It probably wouldn’t have hurt you if you had eaten the mouse. Around here we eat them all the time and we are fine. Good for you to find that mouse. You all have a great day.


    1. That’s what I keep telling Mommy. She knows this, but still doesn’t like us eating them.. I eats them when she is not looking.
      Zoe and Raja


  5. What a wonderful way for someone to share their wealth ♥ Congratulations! I would be freaked out by the mousies too. We have moles tearing up our yard and Pierre is doing his best to kill them for us.


    1. Oh, yes! Please come over and help. Mommy loves us catching mousies. She just doesn’t let us eat them (what she knows about, anyway).
      Zoe and Raja


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